Food Delivery Platform

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Domain logic
Papaya is a food delivery startup based on the Uber Eats model, focused on making delicious vegetarian and plant-based food more prominent and accessible to enthusiasts.


Papaya was started as a project by enthusiasts of plant-based and vegan food in early 2021. Papaya is the first platform that places the emphasis not on Asian, Italian, or traditional cuisine but specifically on meatless dishes. Its goal is to make plant-based food more prominent in takeout restaurant menus and strengthen the trend towards healthier, cholesterol-free eating.
New York, USA
March 2021 - June 2021
Tech stack
Vue.js, NodeJS, Nuxt.js, Stripe

Customer Request

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Hello. We need to create a service similar to Uber Eats for vegans. We want to build an MVP version of the solution and test it with clients from New York. We have some groundwork done regarding partners, the desired appearance of the app, and its functionality. But we need to put it all together and make a super cool app.
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Hello, of course, we can develop both web and mobile solutions. Let's have a brief call to assess your idea and discuss the initial steps we'll take if you like our development proposals. Where would it be convenient to have the call?

Challenges & Solutions


Development of the customer journey toward placing an order

The owners wanted to test the idea in the New York market. Therefore, it was necessary to create a simple and fast customer path from getting acquainted with the platform to ordering menu items for specific dates or even a whole week.

Creating the restaurant page

The goal was to introduce users exclusively to plant-based and vegan dishes. The menu needed to be properly presented, showcasing establishments with various relevant dishes and enticing customers to place their orders through the platform.

Development of the administration panel

Papaya needed up-to-date menus, swift order transmission to restaurants, and lightning-fast delivery to meet customer demands. All of this had to be tracked and managed in one place.

Challenges image

Step-by-step description of the customer actions leading to placing an order specifically in Papaya

Our business analysts have devised a customer journey where platform users, from their first interaction on social media or other channels, can quickly place their first order.

Creating landing pages for restaurants within the platform

Owners agreed to create separate landing pages for each restaurant. The focus was on designing the layout, assortment, and descriptions to encourage placing orders without navigating from page to page.

Development and integration of the platform's admin panel

FTL developed an admin panel with information about partners, registered customers, & orders in a user-friendly format. Seamless integration with restaurants and GPS tracking of couriers ensured up-to-date information about order progress.

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project facts

collaborations with chefs
menu ordering formats
restaurants in the app

main features

Integration of no-code solutions

As an extra challenge for Papaya, launching the MVP platform took three months. To achieve this, several processes were simplified or handled in creative ways. For instance, numerous functions were delegated to No Code solutions, such as authentication. In just one night, FTL and Papaya specialists implemented the backend solution AUTH0, which saved several weeks of development time that would have been required for creating their own user verification system.

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