ClickHook is a workflow and lead management service based on the experience of interacting with the UX of client products.
hours of team work for fully app update
fixed bugs and errors
rendered layouts from scratch
Implementing custom settings
The data management system for team roles, leads, SMS, and e-mail campaigns should take into account user preferences and choices. FTL specialists have developed a cyclical algorithm, which will rely on basic filters and system presets while preserving account data and access modes in the absence of user choice.
Deploying an API to create a flexible and modifiable FAQ block
The FAQ block of applications should take into account current issues, and also be changeable with the prospect of growth and development of the application's functionality. FTL engineers integrated an API that allowed editing the FAQ block at the request of the service owners without the constant involvement of mobile developers.
Omnichannel history of interaction with leads
The FTL team has integrated a consolidated customer contact history form directly into the lead profile for ease of user search, tracking hierarchy of interactions, and flexible scheduling. So, an authorized employee of the company could always track the date of the last interaction, the channel of interaction, and a short summary of the result of the contact.
Creation of a single dashboard for each employee
To optimize interaction with leads, FTL specialists created a single dashboard for contacts with current leads. So, within the panel, the authorized employee could track the progress of work with the lead, see the latest contacts from the resume, receive reminders of actions concerning the lead. The design of the panel was carried out considering the trends of nativeness and color concentration.